viernes, 26 de abril de 2019

The Rogers. IV BluesCazorla Blues Battle. 11-04-2020. (2)

Durante el día, pudimos visitar el pueblo de Cazorla, donde nos trataron muy bien, y donde comimos y bebimos abundantemente.
Por la noche, segunda actuación, esta vez en Rick's Cafe. Nos enteramos de la pérdida de un ser querido, y este concierto se lo dedicamos enteramente a él.
Hicimos el mismo repertorio que el día anterior, que gustó al público presente.
Después de estos 2 días, nos quedamos con ganas de más, y de volver a esta tierra.
During the day, we were able to visit the town of Cazorla, where we were treated very well, and where we ate and drank abundantly.
At night, second performance, this time at Rick's Cafe. We knew about the loss of a loved one, and we dedicate this concert entirely to him.
We made the same repertoire as the previous day, which was liked by the public at the site.
After these 2 days, we were left wanting more, and wanting to return to this land.